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Immersed in the heart chakra of the planet on Maui Hawaii you will be on a mystical journey back to your true self. This journey will reconnect you with the sacredness of your human existence and the brilliance of your potential to embody your soul’s purpose.


By learning to honor the parts of you that were hidden away and lovingly embrace the complexity of your being, you can move toward wholeness and create a new beginning that is true to you. Not only will there be a newfound sense of inspiration in diving head first into your growth, through the alchemy of self we can access our innermost wisdom to co-create a better world.  


With conscious action, we shift from an
ordinary life into
an extraordinary existence.

Our bodies hold truth, wisdom and infinite potential. Our unique multi-dimensional blueprint carries our purpose and keys to growth & healing. Our work is to uncover this wisdom and decode our purpose for our highest good. During this retreat we will spend time in deep self-reflection immersed in nature with the intention of meeting ourselves, again.

With respect and reverence for the healing power of this island where you will be guided in ceremony through sacred medicine to awaken.  Teachings, insights and revelations will come from the sacred medicines and your own higher wisdom.

This is a dynamic container where we can step into a harmonious relationship with ourselves, humanity and the earth. Through radical self-acceptance, reverence and unconditional love we fuel the power of presence and sovereign embodiment.


Let us remember who
we are and
who we are meant to be.

There are three retreat experience options with detailed descriptions below. Within each you will experience unique healing modalities through frequencies of sound healing gong bath , kundalini yoga, cacao ceremony, nature immersion and sacred medicine ceremony. 

All three Maui retreat experience options are open for booking now with the first opening beginning November 15, 2022. 

A deposit of $555 will be needed to reserve your dates. 

These are private one on one medicine experience curated for you specifically. This container removes distraction to allows you to go deep + travel as far as you need. We will connect prior to the retreat to you preparation for ceremony. Also included is an integration session for the week following your retreat. 

You will be nourished and supported in every aspect. 

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